Using the GDT Builder

Characteristic Manager > Extracting Characteristics from PDFs using OCR > GDT Support > Using the GDT Builder


When you enable the GDT font in InspectionXpert you will see the GDT Builder when you choose to Extract a Geometric Tolerance.  The GDT builder enables you to quickly create the GDT so you can export the GDT symbols to an inspection report.  GDT Font is now available in CAD drawings.


To quickly add a GDT font to the value field for a characteristic, use the GDT font button and frame icon, as described in the Using the GDT Font and Frame Character Buttons.


To use the GDT Builder:


1.Verify that the GDT Font Library under your Application Options. 

2.Click Drawing menu>Geometric Tolerance or Extract Geometric Tolerance on the shortcut menu, or Ctrl-G.

3.Click-and-drag to extract the GDT on your drawing.

4. Click the the first drop-down list in the GDT Builder to select the sub-type.


4. Next click-and-drag the numeric value within the image capture in the Characteristic Manager and then click the  button to have the OCR capture the value from the image and place it into the Value field. 

5. Next click on one of the symbol buttons in the GDT builder to add symbols to your GDT.


6. Add datums to the three boxes on the right to add these to your value field.